Saturday, May 3, 2008

Trophy Striped bass season

I haven't been able to fish as much this spring as I want. but The few times I've been able to get out in the Upper bay it has been good for Upper bay standards. I'd much rather fish the mid or lower bay during trophy season. the fish seem to want to stop and hang out down that way for a spell during their migration, but its so much more easier to not have to travel far (especially when fishing solo). I've been mostly trolling and getting a couple fairly nice fish regulary in the 40" range. Some people don't like trolling but I think it can be very relaxing, kind of like sailing or bank fishing, just kick back and enjoy the Bays natural beauty until you hear a fish pulling drag.
One of my best trips so far was on may 1, 2008
I got through the cut at around sunset and tried jigging at a few spots without any luck, then I headed a few miles farther south to try some trolling. I put out my spread and literally seconds after putting my fifth and last rod in the rodholder, it doubled over and I reeled in a 40" fish

Right after taking a pic of it, another rod doubled over, This fish looked to be about an inch or two shorter but it fought a lot harder, right after boating that fish two rods went down at once, I released that fish quikely and I grabbed the rod that looked like it had the biggest fish and brought that fish in, meanwhile the fish on the other rod got off. by then my arms were tired. I started trolling in the direction of my homeport and put two of my deeper lines back in, about 15 minutes later I caught another mid 30s fish. It started to get a little to rough for my 17' boat, plus my arms were tired so I decided to call it a day. I looked at my watch and it was still only 8am, a lot of fishing in a short amount of time!! The way I like it..

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