You should check your baits once and a while though, there are times when tiny fish will find your bait and steal it without you even knowing it
What I look for when targetting Carp is an area that is usually shallow, maybe 2'-6' and calm, I usually don't do well on windy days. Ofcoarse it also has to be a part of the bay that is fresh water. I usually target them in the rivers closest to me, Middle river, Back river, Patapsco, Bush, Dundee amd Gunpowder, most of the parks from those areas are some of the best spots to target them. like most fish they will be more active when the current is moving (I like when the tide is coming in), But you can still get them on a slack tide.. also after a rain they will usually feed more, eating seeds, berrys,worms, ect..that fell into the water.
Youll usually have to wait a while for the carp to find the bait, sometimes over an hour. But I think thats part of the fun, set everything up, then kick back and relax until you see a rod slowly bending, then set the hook ( firm but not to hard) and get ready for one of the best fights on light tackle that you have ever experienced!
One thing I like to do after setting up my rigs is to cast lures around while im waiting for a Carp, Other species like Large mouth, Rockfish, Catfish (you can get some nice ones hitting your corn BTW), Yellow and White perch are usually in the same areas that you catch carp. If you set up the rods with bite indicators or just a simple bell on the rod tip like I do, you will know when your having a bite without having to sit there and look at your rods.