Its normal in the Early spring to have a lot of windy days. One of my biggest problems at this time of year is being able to get out in my 17' boat, especially when most of the best fishing is atleast 20 miles away. but this year seemed to rarely have a day (when I was able to get out) that wasn't windy. But the few times I was able to make the long boat ride I did very good, the catch and release season just before the Trophy season started was actually better then the open season, because of the unusually warm spring, The Stripers spawned a lot earlier then usual. Since I rarely keep any fish it didn't matter to me anyway, and the fishing is a lot more fun when its not as crowded. Usually It didn't take long at all to start hooking up with big fish once I started fishing, on one particular day I caught 5 big Trophies in less then one hour!!
shouldn't be much longer before it gets good :-)